A black and white logo for peak audio with a sound wave.

Flathead High School

It was time.

System design included building an amp rack, installing wireless mixer control, new wireless mics, running over 700 feet of cable, and doing the flying of 8 - 15" EV cabinets, thanks to Western Neon for doing the rigging.  The unique challenges presented by this old building dictated placement, but in the end, we got excellent coverage of the seating without impacting the volleyball court.  The ceiling height is 23', not enough to do a center hung system.  We made the best of it with the situation presented.  Now the challenge is finding a place to sit that you can't hear the announcer from!  This upgrade was an awesome one. 


Get sound from a prohibitive ceiling height to an amazing gym full of people.  Do it on an extreme budget.  Coverage for all, budget minimized, sound clarity for days.


Extreme usability, even for minimally trained staff.  Sound that every fan can hear now instead of sound that 8/2000 fans can hear.

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