A black and white logo for peak audio with a sound wave.

West Valley School

From Meek, to Beast

West Valley School needed an upgrade.  Previously a woefully underpowered, unbelievably static-filled transmission.  Now is something to be very proud of.  If you make it out there for a basketball game, volleyball game, concert, play, or assembly, be sure to give it a critical listen.  I'm sure you'll understand why we went with Electro-voice speakers, QSC and Crown amplifiers, and Allen and Heath mixers.  It.  Sounds.  Amazing.


Turn old and crappy into useful and amazing.  Mission accomplished.


Extreme usability, even for minimally trained staff.  Clear audio equals improved retention, positive experiences for students and staff, and memories galore from that time during a timeout when Mr. Nickerson put on that one song that made you forget basketball and start dancing.

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